Developing a Robust eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy

Even if you are a successful eCommerce business, this robust competition in this digital space can force you to make certain changes in your marketing strategy. Because every other website is now looking for ways to reach on top of SERPs
Same applies for eCommerce websites. There was a time when users generally choose first page results that come up on their search queries. Now it has been drastically changed. Users now give preferences to those who give them preference. 
If we narrow down our focus on eCommerce websites, there are now uncountable, efficient eCommerce websites looking to increase their business growth keeping the future of digital eCommerce in mind. Hence, it has become extremely tough to come up on SERPs even when you are a successful eCommerce business. Here, you need a robust eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy to help you out.
eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy
A strategy that can align your market niche with latest trends and techniques of marketing. Further, you can get some overwhelming results if a strategy is being implemented in a proper way and effectively. For this, we have compiled an eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy using some major and vital steps.
Being an eCommerce website means you need to stand out from the crowd otherwise, you may not be found on the internet when it's needed. Let's see how can you stand out from the crowd using this powerful eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy.
Creating a Robust eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy
Prioritize Buyers Factors:
If you think the first and primary factor is pricing that majority of the buyers give a top priority, absolutely not.
When it comes to being an eCommerce website, there are four factors that you should look for;
  • Pricing and Deals- You don't have to be always a cheaper option among all. Rather focus on creating a USP. A USP that is distinct and allows prospects browsing those options along with an ability to differentiate between the aspect of 'product and value.'
  • Authenticity- Make users trust your brands and productsIn this case, user reviews, authenticated "SELLERS/SELLING badges", user ratings, etc, create an authority for your eCommerce website.
  • Easy to Buy- Make the process of purchasing for buyers a bit easy. Try aligning with a Gamification process or loyalty points, it enhances the repeat purchase for users. For instance, a popular service offered by Amazon is Amazon Prime. It makes the repeat purchase extremely easy and simple.
  • Logistics- Delivering products on-time every time is one of the key aspects. It helps a lot in creating a strong authority for your website. Additionally, if your delivery system is up to the mark, you may see consumers giving a priority to your site while making an online purchase.
Analyzing the Data:
The very first step is to outline top searched items on your website. This gives an idea about what your consumers are looking for.
Further, jot down most searched products or keywords for a specific location or across your competitors' websites. Make use of sites like Google Trends or Google Keyword Planner for a better understanding of this.
Now you have the idea of what products are on top of search queries. They should be on the storefront on your websites' homepage as well.
Another aspect is to push back least searched products on your site. So they don't come up in suggestions or on prime "Call to Action" buttons or pages.
Demographics of users is another key aspect when analyzing the data. You need to comprehend age group, gender, location, etc. Understanding such an insight is truly priceless. Further, you can customize your ads and messages across various channels as per the right audiences.
PPC for eCommerce:
An eCommerce website investing in PPC (pay per click) campaigns with the right set of analytics measurements can get a huge boost in sales.
On PPC campaigns, make sure you measure, track and comprehend metrics like:
  • Conversion rates
  • Acquisition cost of customers
  • Retention rate of customers
  • Customer lifetime value
Use these above aspects of Analytics to create specific and realistic goals for PPC and other ad campaigns.
Followings are a few factors that should be taken into the consideration immediately while creating an eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy.
Blogging: This is one of the easiest and engaging ways to make your eCommerce site seen among the masses. Yes, eCommerce websites produce engaging and informative content as well. Moreover, you need to keep an eye on the website content as well. If the content on your website is vague and boring, such as product descriptions, the latest addition in items, press releases, etc, it counts as a downgrading factor. Here, you need to create more distinctive and descriptive content for your users , whether it's a blog, product description, social media engagement or any other content related part.
Images: Mostly, eCommerce websites comes with loads of images of products. Try to keep image sizes low so they don't slow the website load time. Moreover, putting Alt Texts in images is always beneficial for SEO.
Email Marketing Automation: Apart from the normal promotional newsletters of your products you send to your subscribers, use Email Marketing Automation tools to enhance the process of email marketing.
There are tools available like Drip which make marketing automation process easy even for a layman. These tools can help you to achieve Upgraded Cart Abandonment Recovery, Holiday Promotion Resend and Upgraded Order Confirmation
Wrapping Up:
Being an eCommerce entity in this digital space and further leading in the said domain is one hell of a task that asks for continuous research, proper strategy implementations, and more. However, this is a bit tough to align eCommerce and digital marketing for anyone who isn't in the field of digital marketing.
Digital Marketers know what, where, when and why of all the strategies and they can easily create an eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy. Thus, it's beneficial if you hire a Digital Marketing Agency who can handle all your marketing related work and you can easily give the time to other vital aspects.

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