Best Blogging Tips and tricks
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6 Blogging Tips to Create An Attractive Blog | Engage Your Blog Readers
Use These blogging tips to make your blog attractive. Writing a blog is not a tough nut to crack. It’s all about engaging your audience to your blog. Not all of us are experienced writers. However, never underestimate the power of practice. If you want to write an attractive & SEO effective blog, you should do the needful and continuous efforts till you reach to perfection. In this blog post, I will elaborate 6 proven methods that you can use to create attractive blogs and make your writing style superior.

1. Do Reading as much as possible
In this blogging tips, Read more! Yes. If you want to be a better writer, this will help you achieve greatness in writing. Read what you enjoy most. It gives you the inspiration to write great blog posts. As well as, it helps you to learn your genre. The more you read, the better vocabulary you use and also your cognitive skills improve. Reading instils in you how the other writers frame their sentences. How they make writing fascinating and enjoyable to read.
2. Stay away from the abstract concepts.
When a writer puts his thoughts clearly, his writing becomes engaging and lively. While writing blogs, you should not use abstract words or concepts. Try to use the words which are easily imaginable. for example, you have used the word buildings. Here, you need to make it clear to the readers with words like a detached house. Basically, your readers would be able to find it easier to a picture a specific scene when they read your blogs. Search engine optimation is an abstract concept. However, rank your page high on Google is a clear concept in place of SEO. You can’t totally stop using the abstract words but, make it simple to the readers what you mean by giving examples.
3. Choose one from formal and informal
So, the question is How to decide the language? Should we use formal or informal? But the fact is that informal writing is more captivating than the formal one. These blogging tips are very important, Bloggers should use the language style which fits their audience and blog. Analyse which style suits your audience. Having the better understanding of your brand and your audience can help you choose a formal or informal style.
4. Make a good combination
Your blog post should be a good combination of longer and shorter sentences. When your content is varied, your blog is attractive to the readers. Don’t bore your readers with long and complicated sentences all along. It makes difficult for readers to read. While using a word very often, use synonyms for that. for example, you use ‘and’ or ‘too’ frequently. You need to make use of ‘as well’, ‘moreover’ for making it interesting.
5. Add metaphors and expressions to your writing
Use metaphors. They are great to add some zest to creating attractive blog posts for the readers. A metaphor like “love is a battlefield” actually means the act of being in love is a challenging process. Using metaphors makes reading fun. Your audience figures out immediately what you are trying to convey if you use popular expressions and metaphors.
6. Make use of Tools
You can use some tools that evaluate your blog instantly. There are some awesome tools available online to assess your writing. These tools analyses a number of things that can be improved. Or Take help from any person and ask for feedback on your writing. Because this way you can work on where you need to improve. Thus, it creates an attractive blog.
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Originally published at on May 4, 2018.
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