How To Get More Social Shares For Your Blog Posts

Ways To Get Social Shares on your Blog Post
Are your articles getting shared hundreds or thousands of times across social media channels? Social sharing is the best way of driving more traffic to your business.  If your content is interesting and  is useful for your website visitors, they will definitely share your content and you’ll get more visitors and hence more social shares. Also, you get more links to your site as more people get to know about it. In this blog I have mentioned basic points that can improve your social media shares.
Ask: There’s a  difference between forcing and asking.  Asking is about mentioning it once casually.  Forcing is compelling someone to agree on your terms.  Mention words like ‘please RT’ or ‘like me on Facebook.’  It’s about subtle reminders, not forcing them to share.
Curious and enticing headlines: Create intuitive headlines and make efforts to engage the readers by putting up curious question and answers and let them learn more. A creative idea is to come up with the Numbered lists, twists, and cliffhangers that are often the most clickable headlines.  Most of these headline type bring a mystique to headlines where users anticipate more of the learning resources.
Add social sharing buttons: To make information more convenient for your users, one should  use AddThis, Share This, and other social sharing buttons.  It’s vital that those buttons are at their fingertips. Place  it at the top, bottom, and side for easy sharing access.
Add Social Buttons to increase your post shares
Share during active times of the day: There are many tools in the market like Google Analytics and other statistical software that  give companies a general idea about the most active hours of the day.  You can use that on social media sites to determine what those times are. Tweet and post during those times and you’re more likely to get shares.
Include visual content: Now a days Videos, photos, quotes, and infographics are the most easiest form to portray or express your thoughts instead of Text. It is the knowledge we absorb faster than the text.  For anyone who doesn’t want to read endless paragraphs, visual content provides a face, symbol, or colour to normal content.
Hashtags: Most imp factor is to Create a unique hashtag and add it to relevant posts to encourage sharing.
Initially Twitter made hashtags a trendsetting tool. But now Google+, Facebook, search engines and other social media sites have joined in. Hashtags show companies what everyone is talking about at this moment.
Social media sharing excites users.  You  need not force or beg anyone for interaction; If your content has good information, users will share it without any hesitation. And it doesn’t need much hard work when you do the right things for user engagement.

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