Risks Of Doing Link Building On Your Own – Hire An SEO Expert

Link building is a revolutionary and effective way to exchange links with other websites. In other words, it is simply a process of getting links from other sites redirecting to yours. Well, I must say it’s a marvelous way of increasing your authority with search engines and thereby, improving your ranking. But before you rejoice over its advantages, be aware of the risks involved if you do not do it properly. To give you a clearer picture, I am discussing here the perils associated with performing SEO link building on your own.

Understanding Risks of doing link building without an Expert
Bad Backlinks are costly for SEO
Since past few years, search engines like Google have updated their algorithms to maintain the website’s integrity. Earlier, they did very little to verify the quality of links to any website. It was only until 2012 when Google launched Penguin – an updated algorithm to monitor any possible link schemes.
With a rise in web spam, Google is continuously putting efforts to crack down on practices pertaining to good and bad links. Regardless of whether you select black hat or white hat link building technique, be prepared for its potential consequences.
After the update, rankings were based on uniqueness and merit only. Anyone trying to manipulate or play with the low quality or bad links would risk being penalized severely. It would ultimately lead to a striking downfall in rankings and even being completely vanished from the search results.
Opting for Good SEO Backlinks
Google focuses on using good SEO backlinks for your website. It improves organic ranking, increases referral traffic and helps in the faster indexing and discovery of your site.
This means that the high-quality content encompassing of genuine links will result in gaining more audience organically. Bad backlinks, on the other hand, will potentially annihilate your ranking. I don’t think anyone wants that!
Why you should always hire SEO Professionals
When you are doing it on your own, it’s not always very clear which SEO link building technique is white hat and which is black hat. Someone who is not up to date with the latest link building trends will eventually land you into more troubles.
You might not know of several link building guidelines followed by SEO Experts that are acceptable to major search engines. An unintentional violation can drop hard on you and bring harsh penalties to the website you own.
An SEO Professional or a Digital Marketing Agency can help you otherwise. They can guide you to get good quality links for your content and website. The best way to avoid the possible risks associated with link building service is by trusting your Digital Marketing Service Providers. They can always guide you in a better direction and since they are way more experienced, you can count on them.
If you are interested, contact Oodles Marketing and let’s discuss how can we perform SEO link building for your website!

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