How To Avoid Amazon Trademark Infringement

Amazon Sellers and merchants need to follow effective marketing strategies to boost their product sales through proper Amazon listing optimization services. However, they must adhere to certain e-commerce guidelines and trademark laws while formulating their strategies. Using Amazon SEO Services, you can use an online marketplace that enables sellers to list and display their products to a worldwide audience. Some Amazon sellers have an established brand and manufacture their own products while some procure them from the vendors. These brands have their name and logo on the product that is protected by a Trademark Law.  Trademark Law protects a brand’s identity such as words, symbols, and designs. If someone illegally uses these protected identities (i.e. without permission), it’s called trademark infringement.

Amazon Trademark Infringement Claims

Using good techniques of Amazon SEO Services, Sellers comply with the intellectual property laws that include trademark and copyright ownership. Amazon provides third-party sellers with adequate measures to overcome the issues related to trademark or copyright infringement. Below are some typical examples of trademark infringement acts under Amazon’s policy:

Unlawful Use of Brand Identity

The unauthorized use of someone’s brand name or using a similar name to sell products/services is a Trademark Infringement. Amazon deems an act as a trademark infringement under two circumstances:  
  • Another seller is selling a false copy of your goods
  It is the most common scenario when a seller lists counterfeit products on Amazon to unethically sell false copies of a brand. In such cases, buyers get confused and it causes a situation which is known as “the likelihood of confusion.”   


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